Ocean Addicts – Lombok Indonesia


All you need is wind, and we have plenty of it from June to September on Lombok Island. These courses are perfect for anyone with previous experience in water sports, snow sports or wind sports and/or for gifted fast-learning individuals.

For those who have limited time and no previous experience or who simply want intensive training, we recommend the FUN INTRODUCTION TO KITEBOARDING Course.



Competency Level

Designed to familiarise first time kiters with all the equipment needed, kite set-up, handling methods and understanding the safety systems. The course consists of one hour of instruction on the beach at the water’s edge & half an hour in the water. This includes understanding the ‘wind window’ and kite flying dynamic’s, flying a 2-line trainer kite, and lastly wearing the harness hooked in, flying a 4-line power kite. We recommend all our Level one kiter’s continue practicing with the trainer 2-line kites as much as they want after their lesson.

  • Elements of the wind window
  • Two line trainer kite
  • Basic kite flying techniques
  • Four line power kite simulator w/ harness
  • Understanding the control bar and safety systems
  • Launching and landing a power kite
  • First across wind water body drag

We also recommend a wake board lessons to simulate board start & board riding.


Competency Level

With your kite control taken care of, it’s time to take your kite surfing to the next level! You will learn how to water launch and park the kite safely in above you. Then use it to move around in the water, this is a lot of fun.  “Body dragging” includes moving upwind for board recovery, propelling left and right, to fully understand the power zone. After these exercise’s it’s all about adding the board – getting on the board, using it and the kite to get yourself up on the board riding! This course is 1.5 hours, on the water and includes kite launching, piloting one handed, board recovery, board positioning and water starts. Remember you can use our trainer kites on the beach as much as you like for free. ‘Practice makes perfect’

  • Four line power kite simulator w/ harness
  • Understanding the control bar and safety systems
  • Kite flight with control
  • Launching & landing a power kite
  • Water re-launch
  • Wind window power zones
  • Across wind water body drag
  • Kite boarding power kite
  • Power down wind water body drag
  • Water across wind body drag with board
  • First board start attempt

We also recommend a wake board lessons to simulate board start & board riding.


Competency Level

It is now time to bring all the training and instruction together. with this two hour lesson in the water, teaching you further control a refresh from Level two, then getting up riding on the kite board. As your riding advances we’ll work on turns – and if you’re ready there is always getting some air – freestyle action or kite surfing on a surfboard!

  • Setting up the bar & lines to the kite
  • Water re-lanch
  • Across wind water body drag w/ board
  • Power down wind water body drag
  • Kite & board handling control
  • Board start & stop
  • Board riding
  • Self rescue simulation


Competency Level

All private one on one. A fun introduction to kite boarding it is a mix of level 1,2 and 3 almost up and riding in one session. If you are looking for a faster approach or a guaranteed one-on-one session. Our instructor will take you through the levels, work with you on your manoeuvres, or simply familiarise you with the equipment, for a fast, fun introduction to flying a power kite and having your first attempt up on a board with the kite, as a kite boarder.

This is not a kite lesson plan. It is a Fun Introduction to Kite boarding delivered safely with our instructors.

Kite in Lombok

Kite boarding Intensive Course kite to ride 3 days = 9 hours

Competency Level

Designed  for the first time kiter with all the equipment needed. Kite set-up, handling methods and understanding the safety systems. To ride up on the board. The course consists of three hours a day for three days of instruction on the beach and  in the water. This includes all lessons with our boat one on one with your instructor. Blue tooth head set radio training, board training behind our boat to learn board start’s and some photography.

  • Elements of the wind window
  • Two line trainer kite
  • Basic kite flying techniques
  • Four line power kite simulator w/ harness
  • Understanding the control bar and safety systems
  • Setting up the bar & lines to the kite
  • Water re-lanch
  • Power down wind water body drag
  • First across wind water body drag
  •  Wind awareness
  • Kite flight with control
  • Water re-launch
  • Wind window power zones
  • Across wind water body drag
  • Kite boarding power zone in the wind window right & left.
  • Power down wind water body drag
  • Water across wind body drag with board
  • Kite & board handling control
  • Board start & stop
  • Board riding
  • Board recovery and rescue
  • First board start to ride attempt
  • Progressing with powered turns
  • Riding switch heal side/ tow side
  • Self rescue simulation
  • Launching, landing self-rescue
  • Landing and Leaving equipment on the beach

Wake board Starts are included in this course behind our boat.


kite Wake board starts

Competency Level

While learning any new sport is going to be difficult, wakeboarding is known to be a water sport that can be picked up quicker than many others. At first, the most important thing to learn is which foot should be the leading one. Once you figure that out it’s time to try to stand up on the board. This is ideal for learning board starts for kite boarding.



kite-harness & board hire 1 hour

Competency Level

Hire a Kite, board & harness if you are an advanced rider. Then, get out there & have fun. Show off to your friends. Flat water & rolling swell use only. No big waves. You are liable for the equipment if damaged.

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kite-harness & board hire 2 hour

Competency Level

Hire a Kite, board & harness if you are an advanced rider. Then, get out there & have fun. Show off to your friends. Flat water & rolling swell use only. No big waves. You are liable for the equipment if damaged.

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kite hire 2 hour

Competency Level

Hire a Kite if you are an advanced rider. Then get out there & have fun. Show off to your friends. Flat water & rolling swell use only. No big waves. You are liable for the equipment if damaged.

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Board hire 2 hour

Competency Level

Hire a twin-tip board  if you are an intermediate to advanced rider. Then get out there & have fun. Show off to your friends. Flat water & rolling swell use only. No big waves. You are liable for the equipment if damaged.

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Harness hire 2 hour

Competency Level

Hire a harness Then get out there & have fun. Show off to your friends. Flat water & rolling swell use only. No big waves. You are liable for the equipment if damaged.


Foil board hire 2 hour

Competency Level

Hire a Foil board Then get out there & have fun. Show off to your friends. Flat water & rolling swell use only. No jumps or big waves. You are liable for the equipment if damaged.